Be sure to check out our February promotions with the following three specials for the month.
- Our stamp of the month is called Random Patterns (set of 5) and can be purchased for just $9.75 with any $30 purchase. Be sure to check out The Angel Company's main site for ideas on how to use this versatile set.
- Our Vintage SOTM is called SWAK (set of 11) and can also be purchased with the same $30 purchase for just $16.50 (retail $21.95). This classic TAC™ design is from an older catalog and features an assortment of barnyard friends for celebrations.
- Finally, our limited edition set, Best Wedding Wishes is a tiny fun wedding set perfect for upcoming celebrations. This set of 6 can be used for greeting cards and well-wishes, and can be yours for just $5.25 (retail $6.95), and this offer is valid through March 13, 2009.